General guidelines for Non-European students: Non-EU students regulations.
General guidelines for European students: EU students regulations.
The access to the Master's Degree Course in Communication Theories is unrestricted, though, in order to forward an admission application, the student has to be in possession of a "nihil obstat" (nulla osta) declaration. Such clearance statement must be provided by the Secretariat of the Course's School (in this case, the School of Humanities and Education) to which an application for the evaluation of curricular requirements and personal preparation must be submitted.
Secretariat's address: Via Laura, 48 - 2nd floor - 50121 - FIRENZE
Office hours: Monday and Wednesday: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday: 3 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Spokesperson: Annalisa Bebi
During his/her Bachelor's Degree course, the student must have acquired a total of 40 CFU (ECTS) within at least 3 of the following scientific sectors:
Literature (Italian or foreign) (SSD: L-FIL-LET/10 - Italian Literature; L-FIL-LET/11 - Contemporary Italian Literature; L-FIL-LET/12 - Italian Linguistics; L-FIL-LET/13 - Philology of Italian Literature; L-FIL-LET/14 - Literary Criticism and Comparative Literature; L-LIN/03 - French Literature; L-LIN/04 - Language and Translation - French Language; L-LIN/05 - Spanish Literature; L-LIN/06 - Hispanic-American Languages and Literatures; L-LIN/07 - Language and Translation - Spanish; L-LIN/10 - English Literature; L-LIN/11 - Anglo-American Languages and Literatures; L-LIN/12 - Language and Translation - English Language; L-LIN/13 - German Literature; L-LIN/14 - Language and Translation - German Language; L-LIN/21 - Slavistics);
Philosophy (SSD: M-FIL/01 - Theoretical philosophy; M-FIL/02 - Logic and philosophy of science; M-FIL/03 - Moral philosophy; M-FIL/04 - Aesthetics; M-FIL/05 - Philosophy and theory of languages; M-FIL/06 - History of philosophy; M-FIL/07 - History of ancient philosophy; M-FIL/08 - History of medieval philosophy);
Pedagogy (SSD: M-PED/01 - General and Social Pedagogy; M-PED/02 - History of Pedagogy; M-PED/03 - Didactics and Special Pedagogy; M-PED/04 - Experimental Pedagogy);
Computer Science (SSD: INF/01 - Computer Science);
Psychology (SSD: M-PSI/01 - General psychology; M-PSI/04 - Developmental psychology and educational psychology; M-PSI/05 - Social psychology; M-PSI/06 - Psychology of work and organisations; M-PSI/07 - Dynamic psychology).
Further informations about the recognition of foreign academic titles might be found at the following website page: Recognition of a Foreign Academic Title
In order to enroll, you will need to register at the Online student services first, and then complete the online application form starting from 9.00 am on 9 September 2019 up to Midnight on December 19, 2019. This applies to any unrestricted access master's degree courses (laurea magistrale, LM) programme at our University.
At completion of the data registration, the online system will allow you to print the matriculation tuition and fees bill (payable by MAV slip at any Italian bank) which must be paid within the aforementioned deadlines (see the Manifesto degli studi, section 13 for the amount due and exemptions available).
It is possible to complete the online enrolment application or pay the resulting fees and charges calculated by the system even beyond the above deadlines until 24 February 2020 by paying an additional late fee of € 100.